Native American Cultural Corridor
Prior to engaging in the professional development, we ask that you take some time to engage with the following materials. We will be using them as a shared foundation and a lens through which to engage with the experience.
- Read this news article about the cultural corridor.
- Learn about the Ojibwe architect of the corridor in this news article.
- We will be visiting the cultural corridor on the day of the annual MMIW March which raises awareness about Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women. Here’s a story about MMIW and Rosalie Fish’s efforts. And, here’s a curriculum guide for teaching kids about this topic. We’ll be learning from Angela Two Stars about a Minnesota-based curriculum on MMIW. Here is last year’s MMIW March schedule.
Want more?
- Watch video on sacred tobacco
- Read this article about a mural on the Midtown Greenway. This is too far for our walking tour, but it a story of the power of mural making.
Experience Full
Mural on Little Earth Community Center visited by 12th grade Blake students in Native American Literature on a field trip in 2018. Photo by Brent Florine.
This is a walking tour of the Native American Cultural Corridor along Franklin Avenue in Minneapolis. Our visit to the cultural corridor coincides with the annual MMIW March which raises awareness about Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women. We will have time to hear from speakers, interact with Native community members, learn about the epidemic, and view several murals on Franklin Avenue. We will also see a photography exhibit at the Two Rivers Gallery commemorating the American Indian Movement. A delicious lunch will be provided for us at The Gatherings Cafe. After time to explore the AIC and the MMIW events, we will reconvene to walk to All My Relations Gallery for presentations by Indigenous artists: Courtney Cochran of the Native Youth Arts Collective, Angela Two Stars, curator of All My Relations Gallery, and Heather Friedli, local artist and educator. Speakers and timing are all subject to change, so be ready to be nimble and adapt to the events, weather, and serendipities of the day!
- How can we learn more about our Indigenous neighbors?
- How can we better educate our students about other ways of knowing, artistic expression, and Native understandings of time and space?
Courtney Cochran
Angela Two Stars
Heather Friedli
Alex Buffalohead
All My Relations Gallery, American Indian Center, Two Rivers Gallery, Franklin Avenue